My Publications

 Disseminating Knowledge in Academia is bliss. A list of a few Articles published by me is attached here.


Refereed Journal Publications

§  “Beneficial Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) in Business - A Critical Review”, Shanlax International Journal of Management, Vol 9, Special Issue, February 2022, pp 207-217.

§   “Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Industrial Applications- A Review”, CLIO An Annual Interdisciplinary Journal of History, (UGC Care listed, ISSN: 0976-075X, Impact Factor 5.60), Vol. 6(2), April 2020, pp. 59-65. 

§  “Facets Impacting Employee Performance-Compensation, Motivation And Stress”, International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research Development, Vol. 6 (1), Jan-April 2017, pp. 7-17

§  “Consumer Credence towards Online Shopping – A Study of Karnataka Consumers”, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research & Development,  Vol.3(3), July –Sep 2016 pp. 73-82, (ISSN-2394-8906) Impact Factor – 2.415

§  “Ethical & Social Responsible Practices in Advertising “, Intercontinental Journal of Marketing Research Review, March 2016, 4(2), pp 150-154, (ISSN 2347-1670)

§  “Effects of Motivation, Stress And Compensation Benefits on Employee Performance in IT Professionals”, International Journal of Advanced Research , January 2016, 4(1), pp 1349-57 (ISSN 2320-5407)

§  “IT Employees Performance- Compensation, Motivation and Stress”, Intercontinental Journal of Human Resource Research Review, February 2015, 3(2), pp 96 -107, (ISSN:2347-1662)

§  “A Bird’s Eye View of Brand Rajinikanth”, Primax International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 2(2), September 2014, pp 36 – 39 (ISSN: 2321- 3604)

§  “Audience Engagement Behaviour towards Television Advertisements”, Primax International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 1(1), April –June 2013 pp 15-24 (ISSN: 2321- 3604)

§  “Avoidance Behaviour of Audience towards Television Advertisements" Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Research 1(2), October 2012, ISSN 2319-2836

§   “Consumer Perception Towards Television Advertisement”, International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management  2(9), September 2012, (ISSN 2231-1009)

§  “Insights on Social Media Advertising” International Journal for Management Research and Engineering 1(4), July 2012, (ISSN 2278 -1013)

§  “Consumer Perception of Line Extensions in Shampoo Category” International Journal of Management  Rivulet,  January 2012

§  “Behavioral Patterns of Generation Y Consumers”- published in the Journal Marketing Paradigm   1(1), December 2009 pp 56-59

§  “Organizational Politics- Its Role and Impact on Professional Efficiency” published in the Journal PES Business Review 4(2), June 2009

§   “Role of Associations in Promoting Garment Industry at Tirupur” published in the Journal PES Business Review 4(1), Jan 2009)

§   “Motivation through Equity” published in the Journal Advances in Management, 1(5), August   2008


Publications in reputed Academic Magazines

§  “Branding the Unbranded” published in Advertising Express, 9 (2), February 2009

§  “Harnessing Creativity in Advertisements” published in Advertising Express, 9(5), May 2009

§  “Likeability Matters in Commercials” published in Advertising Express, 8(10), October 2008

§  “Organizational Citizenship Behaviour - A Critical Review”   HRM Review, July 2007, pp36-38


Thesis Publication

§   “Audience Behaviour towards Television Advertisements”, by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. November 2012, (ISBN 978-3-659-25278-5)


Book Chapters

§  SaiGanesh.S & Kaveri C.S. (2021), “Effect of Online Teaching & Learning During Covid Pandemic”, Online Education – A 21st Century Approach to Education, EZ Education, pp. 55-59, (ISBN: 978-93-916540-3-0)

§  Ramanathan K.V. & SaiGanesh.S (2020), “Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Industrial Applications – A Review”, Contemporary issues of Business in Emerging Market Economies”, Primax Publications, pp. 86-91 (ISBN: 978-81-941390-0-3)

§  SaiGanesh.S (2020), “Personal Branding for the Digital Era Professors”, Rethinking Commerce & Management in the Digital Era, Mayas Publication, pp-163-166 (ISBN-978-81-94215387)

§  Saiganesh.S, “Organizational Citizenship Behaviour-A Critical Review”, “Organizational Citizenship Behavior” edited by Rachna Sharma & Samta Jain, ICFAI University Press, 2008

 Download all the articles by Clicking the following Link



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