International Marketing - Question Bank

 International Marketing - Question Bank

1.      ‘Analysis Of Global Economic Environment is quite essential to International Marketing in today’s scenario’ Discuss
2.      “Operating in International Market is much more complex than Marketing Domestically”. Critically evaluate and write your views
3.      A ready made garment small scale Indian Manufacturer willing to enter US market
4.      An Indian steel company planning to get into Overseas- markets.
5.      An Internationally reputed Fast Food Chain – Quick Service Restaurant (QSR)’ willing to enter Indian Markets.
6.      Analysis of Global Economic Environment is quite essential to International Marketing in today’s scenario’ Discuss
7.      BEL, Bangalore bagged an export order for transformers from Brazil. Guide the process to export goods.
8.      Briefly discuss various barriers to international marketing of services. Examine how they can be overcome with the implementation of GATS
9.      Deliberate on international distribution channel by giving a schematic sketch
10.  Describe the components of international advertising strategy
11.  Describe the impact of advancements in information technology on inter-national marketing.
12.  Describe the international product life cycle theory. Explain various life cycle stretching strategies.
13.  Differentiate between personal selling and sales promotion. Explain different sales promotion tools in International Marketing
14.  Discuss in detail about objectives and functions of ASIAN development Bank (ADB).
15.  Discuss in detail about objectives and functions of ASIAN development Bank (ADB) and GATT.
16.  Discuss on anti-dumping duty
17.  Discuss the effects of important duty on economy
18.  Discuss the importance of distributing and wholesaling in international context.
19.  Discuss the process involved in the conduct of international marketing research
20.  Discuss the role of government in encouraging foreign trade?
21.  Discuss the various modes of transportation in international marketing.
22.  Discuss the various objectives, benefits and challenges of International Marketing.
23.  Discuss various objectives of International Marketing along with challenges involved.
24.  Do media options available to international marketers vary across regions ? Discuss with the help of examples.
25.  Do you think that Indian companies have adequately responded to changes in domestic and external environments and carried out necessary modifications in their international marketing strategies? Explain in detail.
26.  Environmental analysis is a part of International Marketing – Discuss
27.  Explain different types of tariffs in international trade
28.  Explain GATT and TRIMS
29.  Explain international product life cycle theory.
30.  Explain some critical challenges for International Advertisers
31.  Explain the barriers in international marketing
32.  Explain the concept of EPRG model in the evolution of global marketing with the help of suitable examples.
33.  Explain the key issues in international marketing communication.
34.  Give notes on EPRG models and its disadvantages of adaptation
35.  Given an account on global trade environment, how can American companies develop cultural fit into the business environment to achieve successful negotiations in the consumer goods industries
36.  How does FDI in retail sector impact FOREX improvement and market development.
37.  In the context of international marketing, do you think that the political risk would be country specific or firm specific or both ? Elaborate.
38.  International Marketing has become indispensable in the economic development of a developing country”. Comment with respect to the Indian Situation.
39.  International marketing is essential for improving economy- Discuss
40.  Is the international product life-cycle different than that of domestic? Give your answer with suitable examples.
41.  Methods of entry to foreign markets
42.  Procedure for conducting international marketing research
43.  State the advantage of multi- location marketing
44.  Suggest a framework for preparing a market plan for export of processed food (Indian Cuisine)  to the UK and the USA
45.  Suggest a suitable ‘Foreign Market Entry Strategy for following. Justify your answer
46.  What are the advantages and disadvantages in globalization?
47.  What are the determinants of Global Marketing.
48.  What are the different modes International distribution channels? Write its advantages and disadvantages.
49.  What are the different types of tariffs in International Trade?
50.  What are the factors that contribute to the disequilibrium in balance of payment? Explain the various remedial measures for disequilibrium. 
51.  What are the factors that contribute to the disequilibrium in the BOP? Explain the remedial measures keeping in mind the present economic scenario of our country.
52.  What are the methods employed to hinder repatriation of profits
53.  What are the outlooks for export marketing? Evaluate the importance from the print of view of individual firm?
54.  What do you mean by barriers to international marketing? Also discuss the different types of barriers.
55.  What do you understand by GATT and how it is used in the present international market?
56.  What do you understand by GATT and how it is used in the present international market?
57.  What is “Balance of Payments” disequilibrium? Discuss kinds of disequilibrium in BOP. Add your comments on BOP position presently.
58.  What is EPRG. Explain
59.  What is export marketing and what are its outlooks?
60.  What is meant by market segmentation? How segmentation is done for international marketing?
61.  What the different modes of transportation in international distribution system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each mode? Explain with examples.
62.  Why do countries control repatriation of profits to present countries?
63.  Why do you think a company should or should not market the same product in the same way around the world? Discuss with suitable examples
64.  Write a detailed note on economic environment of international marketing.
65.  Write notes on a) Asian development bank  b) special drawing rights C) Cartelling
66.  Write notes on a) shipping bill b) certificate of origin c) bill of lading d) benefits of foreign trade e) basic principles of GATT
67.  Write short note on (a) Grey market goods (b) Global advertising.
68.  Write short notes on
69.  Write short notes on a) Carteling b) Anti-dumping duty c) Tariffs
70.  Write short notes on international marketing control and international marketing procedure
71.  Write the importance and methods of international marketing research.


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