Services Marketing Question Bank

Services Marketing Question Bank

  1.  “People are important than any other resources in service marketing” – Comment.
  2. Choose a service company with which you are familiar and show how each of the seven elements (7Ps) of integrated service management applies.
  3. Create a service product of your choice by keeping the concepts of core and supplementary services in mind.
  4. Customer delight going beyond satisfaction – comment
  5. Define service marketing and write its classifications.
  6. Define service marketing and write the nature and importance of Service Marketing.
  7. Define Services Marketing. Elaborate how it essentially differs from marketing of goods.
  8. Describe how market segmentation can be used in services. Explain the
  9. bases for market segmentation for services.
  10. Describe how market segmentation can be used in services. Explain the bases for market segmentation for services.
  11. Discuss on advertising implications for overcoming intangibility.
  12. Discuss the emerging challenges to service industry in India?
  13. Discuss the importance of non-monetary costs in pricing decisions for services taking the example of health services. Identify and explain the product support services which automobile manufacturers can offer to remain competitive/for gaining competitive advantage.
  14. Discuss the importance of non-monetary costs in pricing decisions for services taking the example of airline sector.
  15. Discuss the importance of non-monetary costs in pricing decisions for services taking the example of health services.
  16. Discuss the purchase process for Services.
  17. Discuss the role of service personnel in creating customer loyalty
  18. Explain the benefits of an effective service guarantee? Should every service organization have one?
  19. Explain the determinants of Service Quality. Write suitable examples.
  20. Explain the dimensions of service environment with examples.
  21. Explain the role of blueprinting in designing a managing a restaurant service process.
  22. Explain the salient features of service, how is it differing from good.
  23. Explain the term 'word of mouth communication' and discuss its significance for a health service provider.
  24. How can the gap between customer expectation and perceived service can be resolved?
  25. How CRM and internet helped in companies to become more customers centric?
  26. How important is it for a hotel located at a hill station to use promotions during off-season? Also identify the possible sales promotion schemes it can offer. Discuss the importance of word of mouth communication for health care services
  27. How important is it for a hotel located at a hill station to use promotions during off-season? Also identify the possible sales promotion schemes it can offer.
  28. How important is it for a hotel located at a hill station to use promotions during off-season? Also identify the possible sales promotion schemes it can offer. Discuss the importance of word of mouth communication for health care services
  29. How interactions between customers and employees are supported by backstage activities and systems
  30. How is information search behavior different in case of services as compared to goods? Explain giving suitable examples.
  31. How is marketing of services different from the marketing of goods? What are the benefits of an effective service guarantee? Should every service organization have one?
  32. Identify and explain the product support services which airways can offer to remain competitive/for gaining competitive advantage.
  33. Identify the casual factors for the growth of service economy?
  34. Pick up any service organization you have been in touch with for last one year. Examine the combination of 7 P's. Elaborate on areas of concern leading to customer satisfaction
  35. What are marketing communication mix elements? What marketing mix elements you suggest for a newly established hair salon in a suburban.
  36. What are supplementary services, explain its role in service marketing. Can they be applied to goods as well as services? Discuss
  37. What are the components of the augmented service? Pick any example and discuss.
  38. What are the drivers of demand? Write the strategies of balancing demand levels
  39. What are the elements involved in a high contact service viz. hotel.
  40. What are the implications of a good service environment- explain
  41. What are the marketing mix elements for Hotel and Tourism services and insurance and banking services?
  42. What is meant by “distributing services”? Write the methods of service distribution.
  43. What is service consumer behaviour? Elaborate on the facts and importance of consumer behaviour in services.
  44. Why do customers switch service providers? Can you do anything as a marketer to prevent the customers from switching?
  45. Why is targeting the right customers so important for successful customer relationship management?
  46. Write about gaps in service design and delivery.
  47. Write the importance of physical environment in service sector
  48. Write the objectives of customer feedback system. Why don’t unhappy customers complain? How to overcome this problem?
  49. Write the strategies for balancing demand and capacity
  50. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a) Role of service sector in Indian economy
(b) Service Quality
(c) Pricing of educational service
(d) Role of Physical evidence
51. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Reasons for growth of the service sector
(b) Franchising
(c) Measurement of Service Quality
(d) Channels of distribution for bank
(e) Classification schemes for services 


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