Advertising and Sales Promotion Question Bank

Advertising and Sales Promotion Question Bank

1.      Advertising is wasteful expenditure for any business. Write your comments.
2.      Choose a Consumer Durable product and write a campaign plan for the product chosen
3.      Choose a Service product and write a Media plan for the product chosen.
4.      Choose an FMCG product and write a campaign plan for the product chosen
5.      Define advertising. What is its role in marketing process? Also discuss current trends in Indian advertisements.
6.      Design a sales promotional campaign for a home appliance
7.      Discuss the ethical and legal aspects of advertising. Give examples.
8.      Discuss the functions of a full service advertising agency.
9.      Discuss the nature, scope and importance of advertising.
10.  Discuss the role of advertising in the marketing mix.
11.  Discuss the social and legal aspects of advertising. Give examples.
12.  Discuss the various basis of classification of advertising. Give examples.
13.  Explain the economic effects of advertising on a firm's competitiveness.
14.  Explain the ethical, legal and social aspects of advertising.
15.  Explain the objectives and scope of publicity and corporate advertising.
16.  Explain the role of advertising in supporting Marketing mix elements.
17.  Explain the steps in media planning process.
18.  Explain various creative strategies and message strategies used in television advertisements
19.  Give an account of the functions of a full service Ad Agency
20.  How can we measure advertising effectiveness? Explain the different methods used while measuring advertising effectiveness.
21.  Media planning is the basis for the success of an advertisement - Discuss.
22.  Personal selling is a form of promotion that brings the human element into marketing transactions. In the light of this statement discuss the logical sequence of steps that a sales person takes in dealing with prospective customers
23.  Social media advertising is a boon to B2B marketing. Comment
24.  Spending on advertising is like searching for a black cat in a dark room where the cat exists or not, you may not know”. Discuss
25.  What are different elements of ad copy? Also discuss the role of creativity in the copy- writing.
26.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of different media available?
27.  What are the components of print advertising? Write the importance of headline and sub headline for a print ad
28.  What are the creative formats in print and radio advertising? Explain with examples.
29.  What are the different types of media available? Write its advantages and disadvantages
30.  What are the essentials of print ad and radio ad? Explain.
31.  What are the essentials of print ad and TV ad? Explain.
32.  What are the functions of advertisements and write its objectives
33.  What are the functions of a full service Ad Agency?
34.  What are the roles of appeals in an advertisement? How does this appeal work? Discuss the different type of appeals used in ads with examples.
35.  What is campaign planning? Discuss the various steps involved in it.
36.  What is campaign planning? Explain the process of campaign planning
37.  What is IMC? Highlight the importance of each element IMC.
38.  What is media planning and scheduling? Discuss the various factors that are considered for the selection of a suitable media.
39.  What is media planning? Explain its steps
40.  What is Media planning? Explain the steps in the media planning process. What are the different types of media available?
41.  What is Sales Promotion? Explain different types of Sales Promotion
42.  What is the role of advertising in developing economy? What are the important measures to be taken in advertising? Explain briefly by taking an example in Indian context.
43.  What is the role of research in advertising? What are the research methods used in measuring the effectiveness of advertising.
44.  Write about the legal and ethical aspects of advertising
45.  Write an advertisement for a business to business product and explain the message strategy and creative strategy of the advertisement.
46.  Write an advertisement for a FMCG product and explain the message strategy and creative strategy of the advertisement.
47.  Write an advertisement for a public service announcement (for ex. wear helmet for safety) and write about the message strategy and creative strategy you have used in the ad.
48.  Write an advertisement for a public service announcement and write about the message strategy and creative strategy you have used in the ad.
49.  Write an advertisement for an FMCG product and explain the message strategy and creative strategy of the advertisement.
50.  Write short notes on a) Reach of Mass Media b) Unaided and Aided recall techniques of advertising research c) Functions of advertising agencies
51.  Write the advantages and disadvantages of various types of media available?
52.  Write the ethical and legal factors of advertising.
53.  Write the importance of Advertising with reference to Product Life cycle.
54.  Write the importance of headline and sub headline for a print ad
55.  Write the objectives and functions of Advertising.
56.  Write the objectives and importance of sales promotion
57.  Write the steps in Campaign planning process. Explain.
58.  Write the steps in Media planning process. Explain.
59.  Write the steps in the communication process. Highlight the importance of each step in the process of marketing communication.

60.  Write the three major functions of advertising. Give examples of each function and explain


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