Rational and Emotional Appeals
Nancy D.Albers and Marla Royne Stafford in their article "International Services Advertising: An examination of Various appeals" discussed about 14 rational appeals and 9 Emotional appeals. They are as follows
Rational Appeals- Cheap
- Convenient
- Durable
- Effective
- Health
- Independence
- Modern
- Natural
- Neat
- Productivity
- Safety
- Trend
- Technological
- Wisdom
Emotional Appeals
- Adventure
- Affiliation
- Casual
- Community
- Dear
- Distinctive
- Enjoyment
- Family
- Frail
Emotional appeals play a crucial role in Indian setup. Pollay has listed 42 advertising appeals in his study.
A few of the emotional appeals are given below.
- Freedom
- Humility
- Magic
- Maturity
- Modesty
- Morality
- Nurturance
- Ornamental
- Plain
- Popular
- Relaxation
- Self-Respect
- Sexuality
- Status
- Succorance
- Traditional
- Untamed
- Vain
- Youth
Most of the appeals are untapped by the Admen. Only Fear, Sex and Humour are widely used in Indian Ads. I express my views on emotional appeals one by one with examples in this blogpost.
Fear Appeal
Fear is the appeal used in this ad used to caution the tobacco users. Generally Fear appeal is used in the following situations
- When health conscious people are targeted.
- Creating awareness (aids, helmet)
- Cautioning (don't use mobile phone while driving)
- Insisting to follow rules (don't drink and drive,speed limit, helmet)
- Creating urgency in buying the process (now only or you will miss it- Example If you are not studying at NIIT you're missing something, last chance)
- Environment Protection (save trees)

Fear appeals are sometimes shocking, extremely threatening to the target audience. It creates fear, audience may dislike the ad due to the SHOCK factor in it and they may ignore by assuming that "the ad is not for me".
Classical Conditioning and Fear Appeal
The images depicted in the advertisements create a sort of fear in the minds of the audience, especially in the health awareness & "No Smoking' ads. Fear, warning, insecurity or unsafe have become conditioned stimulus when they are associated with Cigarette (product)-the unconditioned stimulus. When they see the product (unconditioned) they think of the ads (conditioned stimulus) and try to avoid the product, in this case.

If Fear appeal is effectively and relevantly used, Ads become successful in creating an impact.
Humour Appeal

If Fear appeal is effectively and relevantly used, Ads become successful in creating an impact.
Humour Appeal
Laughable messages through advertisement engage
the customers. It attracts their attention to view the ads and remember it for
a long time. Humour appeals are used in advertisements to create an emotional
link between audience and product. A well connected and well-executed humour
enhances the memory, recollection of messages and purchase intent in customers.
Humour appeals are not suitable for all products. Products that have to be sold
with seriousness like fire extinguishers, life insurance etc should avoid
humour appeals. It may not appeal to the customers. Humour appeal is suitable
for commonly purchased goods.

Fevicol and Vodafone use humour appeal frequently
in their advertisements.
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