Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping approach in Academics
Mind Map is a visual tool diagrammatically outlines the information.. It represents the ideas and concepts in a graphical way to improve the memory of the reader. This approach is very helpful in academics especially to the students to comprehend and remember the concepts. The diagram begins with a central idea and expand / explain outwardly the central idea with related terms. The below given diagram on health management is an example for mind mapping.

Diagram Source: http://learningfundamentals.com.au

Benefits of Mind Maps 

  • Easy to remember and recall
  • Easy to organize ideas & concepts
  • Understand the relationship between each idea / concept
  • Useful as a writing tool
  • Helpful in preparing for examinations / tests
  • Improved thinking
Courtesy: Prof.Sekhar who works in Perumal Manimekalai Engineering college, Hosur has inspired me to write this post.


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